White Papers
Becoming A World Class CHRO
The Model of a World-Class CHRO establishes a global standard for excellence in chief human resources officers (CHROs). At the foundation of this Model are functional business leadership, business acumen and business strategy development. The five core roles of a CHRO are then built upon this foundation: Board’s Leader of Human Capital Agenda, Creator of Talent Strategy, Enterprise Change Leader, Driver of Culture and Purpose and Trusted Advisor and Coach.
The model is aspirational, defining what its authors see as the high-water mark of how the CHRO role is performed by leading practitioners today and into the foreseeable future. The Model is applicable across industries, geographic regions and business cycles. The authors envision this “open source” Model serving as inspiration for the development of resources to help incumbent CHROs improve performance, aspiring CHROs develop more thoughtfully and rapidly, and to help CEOs and corporate boards hold the CHRO to a high standard commensurate with the evolving expectations of this critical role.
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