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COVID RESOURCES: Practical Resources to Support Remote Workers During the COVID-19 Pandemic

    July 31, 2020

    If you’re struggling with your remote work routine, know that you’re not the only one. Millions of Americans are discovering the ups and downs that can come with telecommuting. While being able to work in your pajamas may sound appealing at first, you may soon discover this doesn’t always help your productivity. So if you’re trying to find some balance in your remote work routine, this list of resources may come in handy.

    Tips for Adjusting to a Remote Work Routine

    • Working remotely will require flexibility, the right workspace, boundaries and plenty of communication.
    • Tap into resources to give you pointers on how to navigate this new normal.
    • A schedule is crucial to keeping your routine in check.

    Help for Creating a Functional Home Workspace

    Resources for Successfully Working With Teams

    Tools for Staying Productive With Others at Home

    • With kids at home, you'll need to be flexible, but you'll also need to set boundaries.
    • Find ways for your children to stay busy and engaged so you can get your work done.
    • If you and your spouse are both working from home, clear lines of communication and picking your battles can make this easier.

    Resources for Reducing Stress When Working From Home

    • Just because you're working from home doesn't mean your self-care needs to take a backseat.
    • Stress and anxiety are inevitable right now so have a plan to meet these emotions head on when they arise.
    • To keep your stress levels in check and to stay healthy, sleep needs to be a priority.

    Working from home isn’t always as simple as setting up a comfy workspace on your couch. Working from home may be the new normal for a while, but you can still be productive and happy when you need to work remotely.

    Photo Credit: Rawpixel